I See Hope (Gold Tofu Chocolatepiece) | Sweetduetchocolate

I See Hope (Gold Tofu Chocolatepiece)

The covid-19 pandemic was a force of transformation to many aspects of our lives. 

Sweetduet's future felt uncertain. I took a break from making and selling chocolates at the farmers market and delved a little further into a different aspect of chocolate making-- chocolate sculpting.

Right around this time, a Turkish mold-maker had reached out to me and sent me a few of his molds to play with, which ignited the initial creative spark, and with so much time on my hands, I only had my imagination to lead the way. I began to make artistic pieces with his molds but started to go my own direction in finding inspirations from everyday household items like the strawberry below.

Gold (Chocolate) Dipped Strawberry

It was also around this time that the political heat was at it height around the death of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. With so many people stuck inside of their homes and with heated civil unrest in the outside world, all seemed hopeless.

That is when I saw it. On the tofu carton. Hope. 

Of course it isn't actually "hope." It is HDPE - High-density polyethylene, which is what the case of the tofu is made of. But this chocolatepiece begs to differ. It is HOPE and that is what I see.

So, in the spirit of transformation of this world. I ask that for one moment, that we change our perspectives and see hope instead of hopelessness. 

Love, Annie

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